Emergence of a large number of female students in Arab-Gulf universities is indicative of a trend that is breaking away from age-old stereotypes When I…
Does Islam Stand Against Science? 5/5

By now a new generation of scholars has concluded that the Muslim world did more than simply save and transmit Greek knowledge to the Europeans…
Science cannot prosper if its basis is rejected

Pervez Hoodbhoy argues that Pakistan cannot develop scientifically by focusing solely on producing PhDs and research papers. He also says Pakistan must reward enquiry and originality…
Does Islam Stand Against Science? 4/5

Not surprisingly, the Quran frequently spills over into the professional lives of Muslim scientists. Professors who teach in the Middle East may find themselves dealing…
Science in Islam: ‘Curiosity leads to scientific contributions’

Curiosity and inquisitiveness were the traits which earned earlier Muslim scientists their rightful place in the development of science and these are the two qualities…
Does Islam Stand Against Science? 3/5

Many Muslims are especially bothered by evolution. By and large, Islamic culture is creationist, judging by a 2008 survey about evolution in six Muslim countries:…
Dawkins Is Wrong – Religion Is Rational

“You believe that Muhammad went to heaven on a winged horse?” That was the question posed to me by none other than Richard Dawkins a…
Does Islam Stand Against Science? 2/5

Islam has a long and tangled history with science, but there’s one point that nearly everyone acknowledges: Science in the Muslim world is now in…
Does Islam Stand Against Science? 1/5

We may think the charged relationship between science and religion is mainly a problem for Christian fundamentalists, but modern science is also under fire in…
Freedom to think

How literally they interpret the Koran will clearly influence how the new Islamist governments regulate science and technology. One of the Muslim Brotherhood’s leading thinkers,…
Call to arms

Second, each country has directed funds towards military R&D, money that could, for example, have been spent on R&D towards alleviating poverty. Why the neglect…
Mixed message

The party’s presence and influence has expanded across the Muslim world — from the Middle East to Africa and Asia. In the absence of basic…