The philosophical definition of scientific truth is a debated issue. Apart from theories which are not self-consistent and should be either rapidly eliminated, or re-elaborated,…
The Structure of Reality

What is the spiritual lesson we can draw from the scientific pursuit of modern cosmology ? It seems that, in spite of its program to…
From Puzzles to Metaphysical Issues 2/2

The intelligibility and universality of the laws Some cosmologists use the word « universe » for each of these causally-disconnected patches, and the word « multiverse » to name…
From Puzzles to Metaphysical Issues 1/2

This quick survey of the view of modern cosmology shows how quantitative the approach is. However, there are several fields in which our incapacity to…
Modern Cosmology in a Nutshell

We know focus to modern cosmology to illustrate how recurrent puzzles point at the nature of reality. We live in a very peculiar epoch for…
The Connection of Faith and Reason

The way the Islamic tradition regarded the connection between science and reason can be briefly illustrated by the debate between al-Ghazali and Ibn Rushd on…
Knowledge and Truth in Islam

The question arises to know whether a synthesis similar to the medieval one would still be possible now. After all, the Aristotelian-Ptolemaic cosmos was not…
The Exploration of the Cosmos: an endless Quest ?

Modern cosmology is exploring the universe with increasing success. Several of its spectacular breakthroughs have some significance with respect to the meaning of the human…
All that we don’t know

Science – Ziauddin Sardar challenges modern science to start learning again According to many senior statesmen of science, we are fast approaching the end of…
Seyyed Hossein Nasr

Seyyed Hossein Nasr (1933–) is a master, in every sense of the word, including the intellectual and the Sufi meanings. I have attended some of…
Islam and the West

A lecture given in the Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford on 27 October 1993 By H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, Patron of the Oxford Centre for Islamic…
Arab-Muslim Civilization in the Mirror of the Universal: Philosophical Perspectives

The 34 pedagogical sheets assembled in this publication elucidate in a detailed way the large intellectual, spiritual, artistic and political foundations on which the Arab-Muslim…