A few weeks ago, a story broke in the media about British Muslim students “increasingly” refusing to attend biological evolution classes. Even medical students, it…
Why a project on Islam and Modern Science?
During the golden age of its civilization, Islam produced some of the finest thinkers and scientists the world has ever known: Al-Khwarizmi, al-Biruni, Ibn al-Haitham,…
Are scientists more or less religious than laymen?
Unlike the West where surveys of scientists’ religiosity have been conducted by several groups of researchers, the correlation between religiosity and scientific attainment has never been studied in the Arab-Muslim world
Islam and Science: An Islamist revolution
Islamist political parties are taking over from secular ones across the Muslim world. What does this mean for science at home and scientific cooperation with…
Islam and evolution: Can science and religion coexist harmoniously?
The newly established McGill Centre for Islam and Science (MCIS) held its first event on September 22: a public lecture by Professor Rana Dajani titled,…
Is belief in evolution endangered?
The rise of creationism in Islam and Christianity has global implications that extend beyond religion
In Egypt, religious texts may be used as science references
In Egypt, a new decision by Mahmoud El-Nasr, the minister of education, may very well see schools teaching its students about the “scientific miracles in…
Science And Religion: Where The Magisteria Overlap
Science is far more entangled with a humanistic or theological vision than we might expect, writes Harvard University’s Owen Gingerich in his new book, God’s…
Science and Islam in Conflict
In many Muslim countries, science must obey the Koran.
Science and the Islamic world – The quest for rapprochement
Internal causes led to the decline of Islam’s scientific greatness long before the era of mercantile imperialism. To contribute once again, Muslims must be introspective…
Muslim Nobel Laureate Says Islam not against Science
A famed Egyptian-born scientist has challenged journalists in the Arab world to dispel what he called a widespread and biased idea that Islam is anti-science….
Islam & Science International Summer School 2014 in Paris
How to reconcile Islamic faith and practice with contemporary scientific knowledge, i.e. with modernity?