The way the Islamic tradition regarded the connection between science and reason can be briefly illustrated by the debate between al-Ghazali and Ibn Rushd on…
Knowledge and Truth in Islam

The question arises to know whether a synthesis similar to the medieval one would still be possible now. After all, the Aristotelian-Ptolemaic cosmos was not…
The Exploration of the Cosmos: an endless Quest ?

Modern cosmology is exploring the universe with increasing success. Several of its spectacular breakthroughs have some significance with respect to the meaning of the human…
Arab liberals must stay in the game

Islamist academics are gaining power in the Middle East and North Africa. But to build science needs liberal input, argues Ehsan Masood. Back in 2006,…
Do not miss the woods for the trees

If we witness unusual weather occurrences in totally unexpected places and times then we should be reminded of ‘climate change’ The weather struck spectacularly hard…
Seyyed Hossein Nasr. Science and Civilization in Islam.

New American Library. NY 1968. Introduction. In the Name of God Most Merciful and Compassionate The Principles of Islam The history of science is often…
Where science and religion meet, from an Islamic perspective

here and how science and religion intersect is a debate that dates back centuries; it’s also a regular part of contemporary discourse. The discussion took…
Mathematical Activities in North Africa 5/5

5. The mathematicians of the Maghrib after the 15th century To our knowledge, mathematical production of the period that extends from the beginning of the…
Islam and Science: concordance or Conflict? By Prof. Abdus Salam 5/5

Concluding Remarks Since in my audience today, there are a number of Muslims, who can influence decisions in their own countries, let me say in…
‘Predictions’ or plain guesswork?

People see life as too complex and consider cosmic connections as not only plausible but probable — believing astrology to be scientific When a new…
Next Islam&Science Workshop in the UAE

Islam & Science: an educational approach Workshop at the American University of Sharjah (AUS) April 18 – 21, 2014 The American University of Sharjah (UAE)…
Mathematical Activities in North Africa 4/5

4. Mathematical production in the Maghrib during the 14th-15th centuries In the history of scientific activities in the Maghrib, the 14th century constitutes a privileged…