In 1966, just over 50 years ago, the distinguished Canadian-born anthropologist Anthony Wallace confidently predicted the global demise of religion at the hands of an…
Why religion is not going away and science will not destroy it

Are We Born Believing in God?

In conversation with Muslims and Hindus I have been told that children come into the world already knowing God. This theme that children have special…
Science and Religion by Bruno Abd-al-Haqq Guiderdoni

Why Setting New Foundations for the Dialogue Should Matter for Muslims
The Ambiguous Intellectual

The question that Sardar has always asked is: how do you know?
Humanist vs Islamic perspectives on science and the modern world

Jim Al-Khalili, physicist and Ziauddin Sardar, chair of the Muslim Institute, talk science, western colonialism and religious rigidity
Science in the Arab world

As a scientist in the Arab world, I practise science and research everyday. The challenges are multiple and in many cases not so obvious for…
Seeds for the Future by Bruno Abd-Al-Haqq Guiderdoni

Bismi-Llahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim I begin this address by pronouncing the traditional sentence “in the name of God the Compassionate the All-Merciful”. With this formula, the Muslims initiate…
Why Should Scientists Care About Religion?

As a Muslim scientist, I spend much time and expand much effort trying to convince Muslims and other believers to take modern science seriously, with…
Belief in Dialogue: Science, Culture and Modernity

Path-breaking debate on science and religion From 21 to 23 June 2011, a big conference was held at the American University of Sharjah (AUS) in…
Muslim Astronomer Weighs In On The Religion-Science Debate

Over at Big Questions Online, astronomer Nidhal Guessoum asks Why Should Scientists Care About Religion? “As a Muslim scientist,” he writes, “I spend much time…
Science and the Search for Meaning

Perspectives from International Scientists Even those who most disagree with the tenor of this book will have to acknowledge that it is an exciting time…
Al-Taqāwul (The Inter-Speaking) between Noah and his people in The Qur’an

Abdelmadjid Benhabib participated to the first Islam&Science Workshop held in Constantine, Algeria Presentation of my academic work In my work I am focusing now, on…