Like the scientist that he was, Ibn Sina firmly believed that there are laws of nature which cannot be violated. He believed that all physical…
Is there definitive proof of the existence of God?

When Kurt Gödel, one of the greatest mathematicians of the 20th century, died in 1978 he left mysterious notes filled with logical symbols. Towards the…
Occasionalism and Causality – Re-thinking Al-Ghazali’s alleged opposition to Science

In the Muslim tradition, the questions around occasionalism and causality arose in the early days of the Muslim Golden Age of Science when scholars like…
This is the Muslim tradition of sci-fi and speculative fiction

Think invisible men, time travel, flying machines and journeys to other planets are the product of the European or ‘Western’ imagination? Open One Thousand and One…
Causality and Divine Action: Islamic Perspective

By Mohammad Hashim Kamali; Definition, Scope, And Perspectives On Causality; Scholastic Theology; Ibn Sina, al-Ghazali and Ibn Rushd on Causality; Determinism and Free Will.
Science in Islamic philosophy

Islam attempts to synthesize reason and revelation, knowledge and values, in its approach to the study of nature. Knowledge acquired through rational human efforts and…
How to take Islam back to reason

Science and Islam are intimately linked. This sounds odd. First, because we normally think of religion as harmfully hostile to science. Wasn’t there a long…
The triumph of traditionalism

There are many reasons for the decline of Islamic science, but much of the blame can be laid at al-Ghazali’s door
The Erasure of Islam

One cannot have a revolt on behalf of reason in Islam because reason is central to its worldview: reason is the other side of revelation…
5 Islamic Philosophers Every Muslim Must Read

Islamic intellectual culture suffers from a philosophy deficit. While there are a few philosophical thinkers in the Muslim World today none of them enjoys the…
Ziauddin Sardar

Ziauddin Sardar (1951–) may be surprised at this characterisation, but in my view he can be considered as a modern-day version of Ibn Rushd, albeit…
Muslim Astronomer Weighs In On The Religion-Science Debate

Over at Big Questions Online, astronomer Nidhal Guessoum asks Why Should Scientists Care About Religion? “As a Muslim scientist,” he writes, “I spend much time…