Salman Hameed is heading over to New Orleans for the annual MESA (Middle Eastern Studies Association) meeting (Irtiqa). He is part of the panel on…
The Reception of Biological Evolution in Muslim Societies

Seyyed Hossein Nasr

Seyyed Hossein Nasr (1933–) is a master, in every sense of the word, including the intellectual and the Sufi meanings. I have attended some of…
Islam and the West

A lecture given in the Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford on 27 October 1993 By H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, Patron of the Oxford Centre for Islamic…
Grappling With Evolution and Islam

Walk into any American church (or its online community) and bring up the subject of evolution, and you’re bound to find yourself in an argument,…
Should we worry about Genetically Modified Organisms?

There is no credible scientific evidence to suggest that they have a negative effect on animals, humans, or the environment, but a healthy debate on…
Ramadan, Modern Technologies and Consumerism

Ramadan has just started for Muslims all over the world, with their varied customs and lifestyles. It is a very special month. In its simplest…
Surveying U.S. and French Muslims

The results of two interesting surveys were released recently: one by the Pew Research Center on U.S. Muslims’ lives and attitudes and one by IFOP…
New Media and Islam

The importance of new media (YouTube and such), social networks (Facebook and such) and new tools that can be considered a little bit of both…
How Will Facebook and Twitter Impact Islam?

During a recent Friday sermon, a young Muslim sitting next to me took out his Blackberry and started to check his messages (while the Imam…
Professor Guessoum is the guest of the Oslo Museum of Science and Technology

In the framework of the exhibition “Sultans of Science” held at the Oslo Museum of Science and Technology, in Norway, Prof. Nidhal Guessoum will give…
Islam and Science: Unity and diversity, a key for the century to come 5/5

The Islamic tradition has a considerable spiritual and intellectual legacy that should make it contribute to the building of the 21st century. We do hope…
Climate assessments: 25 years of the IPCC

A graphical tour through the history of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the science that underlies it. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change…