This paper aims to shed some light on the notion of sustainability from an Islamic perspective. It is intended to frame an enlightened Islamic discourse to address global environmental issues…
Re-thinking sustainability and progress: Islamic perspectives
Kalam’s Necessary Engagement with Modern Science
In this paper the necessity and importance of Islam’s serious engagement with Modern Science is explored. The author argues that there are serious issues of contention…
Human Cloning through the Eyes of Muslim Scholars
Muslim Perspectives on Cloning
Seeds for the Future by Bruno Abd-Al-Haqq Guiderdoni
Bismi-Llahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim I begin this address by pronouncing the traditional sentence “in the name of God the Compassionate the All-Merciful”. With this formula, the Muslims initiate…
Book of Optics (Kitab Al-Manazir) IBN AL-HAYTHAM
Jim Al-Khalili revisits Ibn al-Haytham’s hugely influential study on its millennium.
Copernicus and Ibn al-Shatir: does the copernican revolution have islamic roots?
By Nidhal Guessoum I review first the main similarities and differences between the planetary model of Ibn al-Shatir (14th-Century Muslim astronomer) and of Copernicus. I…
Iranian is first woman to nab highest prize in maths
Maryam Mirzakhani of Stanford University is the first female mathematician to win a Fields Medal in the prize’s 78 years of history.
Lessons learned from the ‘Earth does not rotate’ debacle
Reforms of the curricula are urgently needed for future scholars in hermeneutics and critical analysis
Does the Universe Have a Purpose?
Modern science has produced something quite unexpected. Even to a scientist such as myself. It turns out that the observed features of the natural world…
What really holds back Islamic science?
Conservative traditions, rather than religious belief, seem to be the main barrier to modern science in Muslim countries, says David Dickson. Earlier this month, I…
How our heritage can be digitally explored
Imagine that you had digital access to all the books that have ever been written. Imagine further that you could search through them just by…
5 Islamic Philosophers Every Muslim Must Read
Islamic intellectual culture suffers from a philosophy deficit. While there are a few philosophical thinkers in the Muslim World today none of them enjoys the…