A task force assembled by the Muslim World Science Initiative has issued a report calling on countries with majority-Muslim populations to broaden science education at…
Task Force Urges Muslim Countries To Reboot University Science Programs

What Islam teaches about protecting the Planet

Exerpts from a speech by HRH The Prince of Wales titled Islam and the Environment, Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford “My understanding of Islam is that it…
Islam and Science: The Next Phase of the Debates – by Nidhal Guessoum

Article’s abstract – Keywords: divine action; evolution; Islam; miracles; methodological naturalism; science.
Does the Muslim world need a scientific renaissance?

Remembering the Arab world’s era of scientific achievement, Jim al-Khalili asks if Islamic science can flourish again.
Humanist vs Islamic perspectives on science and the modern world

Jim Al-Khalili, physicist and Ziauddin Sardar, chair of the Muslim Institute, talk science, western colonialism and religious rigidity
The Dicsoveries in Islamic Countries by Ahmed Djebbar

From the middle of the VIII century to the end of the XVI, a new scientific tradition emerged then it was developed in numerous towns…
Science at Universities of the Muslim World

At universities of the Muslim world, how is science taught and practiced? How effective are Islamic world universities at scientific research, education and public outreach,…
Science in the Arab world

As a scientist in the Arab world, I practise science and research everyday. The challenges are multiple and in many cases not so obvious for…
The Future of Arab Astronomy

By Nidhal Guessoum In glaring contrast to its rich history, Arab astronomy today is in a miserable state, by all indicators. There is good potential,…
Review of Dallal’s “Islam, Science, and the Challenge of History”

Few years ago, the Journal of Islamic Studies (JIS, Oxford) published the rather long review it had asked Professor Nidhal Guessoum to write about Ahmad…
Modern Science and Challenges to Some Islamic Theological Doctrines

By Mehdi Golshani; Member of Muslim-Science.Com’s Task Force on Science and Islam
The Relationship between Science and Islam: Islamic Perspectives and Frameworks

By Mohd Hazim Shah; Member of Muslim-Science.Com’s Task Force on Science and Islam