The world, not just the UN, is waking up to the power of faith-based organizations (FBOs). How can Islam, and other faiths, contribute to solutions…
How Islam can represent a model for environmental stewardship

Evolution and Islam’s Quantum Question

The apparent contradictory relationship between Islam and evolution is important because it has been cited as an example of contradiction between religion and science by…
Islamic Discourse on Climate Change

Islam counts amongst its faithful 1.6 billion people. Many of them, perhaps the majority, are in countries which are most vulnerable to climate change
Islamic Declaration on Global Climate Change

Muslim scholars have called on the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims to take action on climate change. Islamic principles support them
Re-thinking sustainability and progress: Islamic perspectives

This paper aims to shed some light on the notion of sustainability from an Islamic perspective. It is intended to frame an enlightened Islamic discourse to address global environmental issues…
Human Cloning through the Eyes of Muslim Scholars

Muslim Perspectives on Cloning
Islam, Science, Life, and Humans

Introduction: Muslims’ issues with Modern Science Science, or Knowledge more generally, has always had a special status in the Islamic culture. As Abdus Salam, the…
Jordan’s stem-cell law can guide the Middle East

A ban on private companies using stem cells from human embryos provides a policy framework for other Arab and Islamic countries, says Rana Dajani.
Muslim Responses to the Evolution Theory

The first encounter with Darwin’s theory of evolution in the Muslim world did not occur through translating his book On the Origin of Species, first…
God and Evolution: Easier For Muslims Than Christians?

If you think Christian scientists like Francis Collins and Kenneth Miller have a hard time defending their acceptance of evolution from creationists and atheists–you might…
Bridging the Gap Between Evolution and Faith

If you ask any person on the street in a Muslim state if they believe in science, the likely answer will be a resounding yes….
Does Islam Forbid Even Studying Evolution?

A few weeks ago, a story broke in the media about British Muslim students “increasingly” refusing to attend biological evolution classes. Even medical students, it…