Islam and Science Report Science at Universities of the Muslim World
Science and Religion by Bruno Abd-al-Haqq Guiderdoni

Why Setting New Foundations for the Dialogue Should Matter for Muslims
Islamic Astronomy by Owen Gingerich

Historians who track the development of astronomy from antiquity to the Renaissance sometimes refer to the time from the eighth through the 14th centuries as…
Toward a New Islamic Golden Age

The Muslim world’s past contributions to science and education were extraordinary. The Islamic “golden age” – during which scholarship and learning flourished across the Muslim…
Why I teach evolution to Muslim students

Encouraging students to challenge ideas is crucial to fostering a generation of Muslim scientists who are free thinkers, says Rana Dajani.
How to take Islam back to reason

Science and Islam are intimately linked. This sounds odd. First, because we normally think of religion as harmfully hostile to science. Wasn’t there a long…
On the futility of finding science in the Qur’an and in other scriptures

What is the relation between science and religion? This is an important question. The world we inhabit today is shaped by modern science and its…
A Muslim response to Stephen Hawking’s pronouncements about God

What is it that breathes fire into the equations and makes a universe for them to describe?
Creation and the Personal Creator in Islamic Kalam and Modern Cosmology

By Mohammed Basil Altaie The question of the eternity or temporality of the universe was thoroughly discussed by Muslim theologians. Most of them, principally those…
The Exploration of the Cosmos: an endless Quest ?

Modern cosmology is exploring the universe with increasing success. Several of its spectacular breakthroughs have some significance with respect to the meaning of the human…
Book Notes: Islam’s Quantum Question

There have been several books published recently touting the historical contributions of Islamic scholars to the early history of science (in the Middle Ages), but…
Weird science

According to some Muslim scholars, everything from genetics to robotics and space travel is described in the Quran. What nonsense.