Bismillah. So, RIP Prof. Stephen Hawking, often called “the greatest physicist since Einstein,” who returned to his source yesterday. Here is a brief history, in…
Stephen Hawking (1942-2018) – In Memoriam, by Usama Hasan

The Young Muslim’s Guide to Modern Science by Nidhal Guessoum

Editorial Reviews of Nidhal Guessoum’s latest book: The Young Muslim’s Guide to Modern Science.
Call for Papers: Muslim-Christian Workshop on Philosophy, Religion, and Science

This workshop aims at providing a forum for philosophical and theological discussion, exchange, and mutual learning for Muslim and Christian scholars and junior researchers.
Muslim-Christian Workshop on Philosophy, Religion, and Science at the AUS, March 2018

In-depth lectures and discussions on issues at the interfaces of philosophy, religion, and science from both Islamic and Christian perspectives.
Causality and Divine Action: Islamic Perspective

By Mohammad Hashim Kamali; Definition, Scope, And Perspectives On Causality; Scholastic Theology; Ibn Sina, al-Ghazali and Ibn Rushd on Causality; Determinism and Free Will.
Ulugh Beg 15th-Century Sultan Of the Stars

Timurid ruler as well as an astronomer, mathematician. His primary interest was in the sciences and intellectual matters. He built an observatory at Samarkand.
Science in Islamic philosophy

Islam attempts to synthesize reason and revelation, knowledge and values, in its approach to the study of nature. Knowledge acquired through rational human efforts and…
Why Muslims should not fear science

A new trend has developed and grown fast in the Arab world: People rejecting basic scientific knowledge on the grounds that it comes from the…
The Interplay of Science and Theology in the 14th-century Kalam by Ahmad Dallal

Modern studies in the history of science show that productive, original scientific research persisted into the sixteenth century A.D. in the Islamic World. Yet, histories…
Islamic Theological Views on Darwinian Evolution

The various positions that Muslim scholars have adopted vis-à-vis Darwin’s theory of evolution since its inception in 1859 are here reviewed with an eye on the theological arguments…
How Being a Muslim Female Scientist Helped Me to Do Better Science

Most articles about the relationship between Islam, women, and science tend to have a negative ring. As we know, the media thrive on notoriety and…
Call for Papers – Muslim-Christian Workshop on Philosophy-Theology-Science

July 9-14, 2017, The Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies, Amman, Jordan