The Limitations of Science In his remarks, the Pope stressed the maturity which the Church had reached in dealing with science; he could equally have…
Islam and Science: concordance or Conflict? By Prof. Abdus Salam 4/5

Home truths about education not cast in stone

There is no alternative to hard work in school, by both students and teachers, and improved resources will lead to better attainment of educational faculties…
Science and the Search for Meaning

Perspectives from International Scientists Even those who most disagree with the tenor of this book will have to acknowledge that it is an exciting time…
Mathematical Activities in North Africa 3/5

3. Mathematics in the Maghrib during the Almohad epoch (12th-13th centuries) The importance of the 12th century in the political and economic history of the…
Islam and Science: concordance or Conflict? By Prof. Abdus Salam 3/5

The Decline of Science in Islam Why did creative science die out in Islam? Starting around 1100 C.E, this decline was nearly complete by 1350…
Space technology measures nation’s progress

It entails high technological capability, great educational goals, knowledge- and science-based economy and a grand strategic vision In the past few weeks, several impressive developments…
Islam&Science Workshop in Malaysia

An Islam and Science Workshop was conducted at the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization, (ISTAC) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 29th November to…
Mathematical Activities in North Africa 2/5

2. Birth and first developments of mathematical activities in the Maghrib (9th-11th centuries) Taking into account the very close economical, political and cultural links which…
Astrophysics: Time for an Arab astronomy renaissance

Arab Muslim countries need a new generation of observatories to rejoin the forefront of the field, says Nidhal Guessoum. Islamic astronomy enjoyed a golden age…
Islam and Science: concordance or Conflict? By Prof. Abdus Salam 2/5

Early Islam and Science How seriously did the early Muslims take these injunctions of the Holy Qur’an and of the Holy Prophetsa? Barely a hundred…
Mathematics in the Medieval Maghrib: General Survey on Mathematical Activities in North Africa 1/5

Introduction The text that we will present here is the first part of a study which attempts to present the essential aspects of mathematical activity…
Islam and Science: concordance or Conflict? By Prof. Abdus Salam 1/5

This speech was delivered by Professor Abdus Salam (1926-1996), Nobel Laureate in Physics (1979), in Paris at the UNESCO House on April 27, 1984 at…