Why is there so much disagreement among scholars about the start of Ramadan? Mathematics can provide the correct answer
Nature’s laws according to Ibn Sina

Like the scientist that he was, Ibn Sina firmly believed that there are laws of nature which cannot be violated. He believed that all physical…
Why It’s So Hard for Scientists to Believe in God

Some scientists see religion as a threat to the scientific method that should be resisted. But faith “is really asking a different set of questions,” says Collins.
Is there definitive proof of the existence of God?

When Kurt Gödel, one of the greatest mathematicians of the 20th century, died in 1978 he left mysterious notes filled with logical symbols. Towards the…
Why religion is not going away and science will not destroy it

In 1966, just over 50 years ago, the distinguished Canadian-born anthropologist Anthony Wallace confidently predicted the global demise of religion at the hands of an…
Are We Born Believing in God?

In conversation with Muslims and Hindus I have been told that children come into the world already knowing God. This theme that children have special…
Islam, Modern Science, and a glimpse of Methodological Naturalism

Excerpt from Nidhal Guessoum’s The Young Muslim’s Guide to Modern Science.
Occasionalism and Causality – Re-thinking Al-Ghazali’s alleged opposition to Science

In the Muslim tradition, the questions around occasionalism and causality arose in the early days of the Muslim Golden Age of Science when scholars like…
How Islam can represent a model for environmental stewardship

The world, not just the UN, is waking up to the power of faith-based organizations (FBOs). How can Islam, and other faiths, contribute to solutions…
This is the Muslim tradition of sci-fi and speculative fiction

Think invisible men, time travel, flying machines and journeys to other planets are the product of the European or ‘Western’ imagination? Open One Thousand and One…
A cosmic spirituality

Ramadan is a month of worship but it is also a time for reflection, and for slowing down our lives and appreciating this wonderful world that we have been given.
The Islamic View of the Multiverse

In their faith, Muslim cosmologists find a guide to their scientific model-building.