Early Islam and Science How seriously did the early Muslims take these injunctions of the Holy Qur’an and of the Holy Prophetsa? Barely a hundred…
Islam and Science: concordance or Conflict? By Prof. Abdus Salam 2/5

Mathematics in the Medieval Maghrib: General Survey on Mathematical Activities in North Africa 1/5

Introduction The text that we will present here is the first part of a study which attempts to present the essential aspects of mathematical activity…
Reducing history of Islamic science to “Golden Age” and “Decline”

Though it points out remarkable developments in the history of Islamic science, it reproduced a contentious narrative about it, that has troubled historians of science…
The road to renewal

After centuries of stagnation science is making a comeback in the Islamic world THE sleep has been long and deep. In 2005 Harvard University produced…
Shining light upon light

Two science histories dissect the transfer of knowledge between the Greco–Islamic and European civilizations, and put right the impression that the flow was one way,…
Deciphering Egyptian Hieroglyphs in Muslim Heritage

The article is originally a talk presented at the international conference 1001 Inventions: Discover the Muslim Heritage in our World held at the Museum of…
Professor Guessoum is the guest of the Oslo Museum of Science and Technology

In the framework of the exhibition “Sultans of Science” held at the Oslo Museum of Science and Technology, in Norway, Prof. Nidhal Guessoum will give…