Next Islam&Science Workshop in the UAE
Islam & Science: an educational approach
Workshop at the American University of Sharjah (AUS)
April 18 – 21, 2014
The American University of Sharjah (UAE) and the Université Interdisciplinaire de Paris (France) are pleased to announce a workshop entitled, “Islam and Science: an educational approach” for senior and graduate students of the GCC, to be held from April 18 to April 21, 2014 at AUS.
This event will be the latest in a series of educational workshops that have previously been held in Paris (France), Constantine (Algeria), London (UK), Amman (Jordan), and Kuala Lumpur. For further information about these workshop and the umbrella project, please visit: http://islam-science.net/.
The general themes of the workshop span the following topics:
- Islam and the History & Philosophy of Science;
- Science and Qur’anic/Islamic Worldview
- Islam & Modern Cosmology;
- Islam & Modern Biology (Evolution);
- Islam, the Environment, and Ethics;
- Islam & Practical Astronomy.
The workshop will represent a unique opportunity for students and young researchers to discover the contemporary field of ‘science and religion’ through lectures by, and in-depth discussions with, internationally-recognized thinkers and experts in this field, as well as viewing and discussing a one-hour documentary on Science and Islam/Religion with over 20 thinkers, including two Nobel-Prize winners.
Participants can attend the workshop by selection only. 20-25 applicants will be selected through an essay competition on a subject that directly relates to the general themes of the workshop and a CV or transcript of university studies.
The essays must be written in English, be between 1,000 and 2,000 words long (plus an abstract of roughly 150 words), and present a clear thesis representing the author’s opinion, with full academic referencing.
Participants must be senior undergraduate students, graduate students, or young researchers from UAE institutions or nearby countries.
All applications must be submitted by email to islam-science@aus.edu by Saturday, March 15, 2014.
Telephone interviews may be conducted to complete the selection process and to verify participants’ interest in, and familiarity with, the subject.
The 6 best essays will be presented verbally by their authors during the workshop and possibly published on the project website.
The selected participants will have all of their expenses paid (including transport to and from AUS, meals during the workshop, and, in necessary cases, lodging) and receive valuable educational material (books, articles, DVD, etc.).






Others to be confirmed…
Download the Application Form
See Also
Visit this Web Page : Islam and Science: An Educational Approach Workshop at American University of Sharjah (AUS)
Download the Application Form
Download the Final Workshop Program
Download the Final Islam and Science Workshop Speakers’ Bios