Ehab Abouheif

Osama Athar

Odeh Rashed Al-Jayyousi

Denis Alexander

Philip Clayton

In books and lectures, Clayton works to formulate constructive theological responses to developments in contemporary science and philosophy. He has also been a leading advocate for comparative theology and the internationalization of the science-religion dialogue. As P.I. of the “Science and the Spiritual Quest” program and as Provost of a multi-faith university, he worked to expand these fields to include Muslim and Jewish scholars, the Dharma traditions of India, and the religious traditions of Southeast Asia.
Dalil Boubakeur

Son of Si Hamza BOUBAKEUR (rector of the Paris Mosque from 1957 to 1982 and author of a French translation of the Quran), he continued his studies in Paris at Louis Legrand and after the Faculty of Medicine is linked to doctor hospital Pitie-Salpetriere. Thereafter, he was lecturer at Faculties of Medicine of Paris-Créteil, le Kremlin-Bicetre and the Pitie-Salpetriere. He is a member of the Council of the College of Physicians of Paris since 1977.
He is also a graduate of Arts and Letters of the Al-Azhar University in Egypt, honorary graduate of the Islamic University of Zaytuna in Tunisia and Commander of the National Order of Merit.
Founder of Islamic publications and journals, he is the author of numerous books and publications including “The Ten Commandments” with Jean-Michel Di Falco, Joseph Sitruk, Alain Mamou-Mani (Albin Michel, 2000), “The challenges of Islam” (Flammarion, 2002),” No! Islam is not a policy” (Descle Brouwer, 2003), “The Call to Dialogue” with Bernard Kanovitch (Editions No. 1, 2003), “The Charter of Muslim worship”(1995), “The lawful and Unlawful in Islam.” He is also the author of numerous papers and reflections on Islamic bioethics, scientific papers on the history of medicine and the Arab-Muslim science, mathematics Arab and Islamic art.
Ahmed Djebbar

Rana Dajani

Dr. Dajani is active in science-related fronts: organizer of the fourth scientific research conference on cancer in Jordan; consultant to the Higher Council for Science and Technology on identifying national priorities for research in Jordan. She has written in Science and Nature about science in the Arab world.
She is also a strong advocate of the theory of biological evolution and of its compatibility with Islam. She was a speaker at the Templeton-Cambridge Journalism Fellowship symposium at the University of Cambridge and at the British Council “belief in dialogue” conference at the American University at Sharjah.
In terms of education, she has been appointed a Higher Education Reform Expert by the TEMPUS office, Jordan; is founder of the TEMPUS funded center for service learning at the Hashemite University; is an advocate of teaching using problem-based learning, novel-reading and drama; has established a network for women mentors and mentees; and was a speaker at TEDxDeadsea.
On the broader horizon, Dr. Dajani has developed a community-based model and philosophy, “We Love Reading (WLR)”, to encourage children to read for pleasure for which she received the Synergos award for Arab world social innovators in 2009, membership of the Clinton Global Initiative 2010, and a place in the upcoming book Innovation in Education: Lessons from Pioneers Around the World, funded by Qatar Foundation. WLR has spread throughout Jordan, the Arab world and internationally, reaching Turkey, Thailand and Azerbaijan. Dr. Dajani in the media: Huffington Post, USA Today, Washington Post, Al Jazeera, VOA, The Chronicle of Higher Education, The Guardian and Reuters. Dr. Dajani is married with four children.
David Dickson

Nidhal Guessoum

Bruno Abdelhaq Guiderdoni

Usama Hasan

Georges Ifrah

He is the author, in particular, of the Universal History of Numbers (ed. Robert Laffont, “Collection Bouquins”, Paris 1994), an important book that chronicles through numbers and counting systems around the world, a truly universal story of human intelligence, with abundant illustration (over 16,000 calligraphies, engravings, drawings, sculptures, paintings, etc.), all executed or redesigned by the hand of the author. International bestseller published in over 35 languages in the world, this book has received numerous international awards. He was especially selected by The American Scientist magazine among the “hundred books of science that have marked the twentieth century.”
For several years, GEORGES IFRAH has developed a background research on the history of Arabic science and on its global cultural, scientific and technical influence over the Arab-Islamic geographical sphere in the medieval period, including significant contributions Greeks, Indians, Persians, Chinese, Andalusians, Berbers, Turks, Jews and Christians of this world.He gathered iconographic documents showing the true precursor engineering of the scholars of the golden age of the Muslim civilization. It developed a database quite unique consisting of thousands of images and information from a multitude of documents, prints, illuminations, miniatures and manuscripts scattered through museums, libraries and archive centers around the world.
He organized and conducted in December 2007 an exhibition accompanied by a conference on Arab language and science at the UNESCO Headquarters, under the patronage of the Crown Prince and under the auspices of the Permanent Delegation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to UNESCO.
Yasmin khan

Ehsan Masood

Jamal Mimouni

Salah Naamane

Djelloul Seddiki

After obtaining his PhD in Humanities at Paris, he was a professor at the University of Paris X, assistant professor at the University of Tripoli (1981-1983), then he was appointed lecturer at the University Sabha (Libya) from 1983 to 1986 in partnership with the CNRS.
He was then professional journalist from 1986 to 1994 before joining the teaching unit of the Mosque of Paris in 1995.
He is responsible for the training of imams and chaplains today.
Djelloul Seddiki is also involved in various associations (Jewish-Muslim Dialogue). He is especially Vice-President of the Society of Abraham since 2005, co-president of the Jewish-Muslim Friendship of France, Vice-President of the Society of Endowments and Holy Places of Islam, General Secretary of the Council of reconciliation Sunni and Shiite. He is also representative of the Tarika Cheikhyya Chadhoulia in Europe and North America.
Jean Staune