Lectures with Professor Nidhal Guessoum, Mzab valley, Algeria
The Mzab valley is a region situated 600 km in the south of Algiers. The Mzab consists of 7 different cities, among which Beni Isguen (Founded in the 14th century). The students association of Beni Isguen was created in the 1980s in order to reinforce bonds between the students of the city, wherever they may be, and help them prosper in their respective fields.
In the context of Science education activities of our association, Professor Nidhal Guessoum, the remarkable Algerian astrophysicist, science educator, and thinker was invited to travel from his university in UAE in order to visit the Mzab valley and address teachers, students and astronomy amateurs. However, due to the professional commitments of professor Nidhal (currently in a research trip to Paris-France) online lectures were the option chosen for this time.
It was agreed to have two online lectures, one on latest cosmic discoveries, and the second on Science and Islam. The lectures were open for students, teachers, astronomy amateurs, through (but not limited to) registrations (see table below).
Report written by Khaled Meghnine