Steps for an Arab Astronomy Renaissance
By Islam & Science The 13 May 2014 - 00h05
American University of Sharjah, Nature Publishing Group and Dubai Astronomy Group are organizing this public seminar. Highlights of the seminar will include:
- An introduction by Mr. Mohammed Yahia, the editor of Nature Middle East
- A review by Professor Nidhal Guessoum, AUS College of Arts and Science, of the state of Arab astronomy
- A presentation by the Dubai Astronomy Group of the state of the UAE astronomical observatory project: specifications, location, timeline, scientific prospects, etc.
- A short presentation by two students of Dr. Guessoum on the search for the best sites in the Arab world for astronomical observatories
- A short presentation by Abdelaziz Alzarouni (AUS student) on the Al-Kawn YouTube astronomy show (in Arabic) that he has been conducting with Dr. Guessoum.
To download the program, click here.
Venue: Lecture Hall A, Main Building
Date: May 14, 2014
Timing: 15:30 – 17:00
Cost: Free and open to the public